Sunday, November 11, 2018

Week Forty-Eight: July 30th-August 5th

 We celebrated baptisms with our new church family at Corona Del Mar.  It was great to share these moments and the afternoon, but I look forward to the time when we feel a bit more at home with everyone.

 Beach day with the Velardes!

 Beach day with church friends!

 Watch out boys!!!!

Week Forty-Seven: July 23rd-July 29th

 Beach day with the Hamiltons!

 Knott's Berry Farm with buddies!  We also had the chance to prepare some toys to send in Operation Christmas Child boxes.  It was wonderful to see the kids so dedicated to helping.

 Yummy treat! Yogurt Land!  Always fun to get a gift card for a special treat.

Beach Day with the Woodson family!

 CC pool party at the Schultz home!

Week Forty-Six: July 16th-22nd

 The Guerreros came to town!  We had a fun beach day at Corona Del Mar, and a BBQ at the Gereau's house.  It was great getting to see old friends, even for just a bit!

 So fun to see how these kids who have grown up together have grown!

 Getting to visit A.J. and Miss Jamie!

 Jeremiah hanging out with little cousins.
 Saying good-bye to our friends the Morris family before they make the big move to Texas!
 These kids are always a crack up together!
 Mother/daughter Anaheim Ballet date night!

 Celebrating Brooke's birthday at the beach!