Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Week Twenty-Four: February 12th-18th

 Father/Daughter and Mother/Son cotillion night...we didn't embarrass them too much!

 Joey spent much of the day in class with us since he didn't feel great.  He did a great job though and Micah was an excellent helper!  We had a fun Valentine's Day exchange as well.
 Crazy hair and hat day at Awanas!

 Jeremiah's turn to try out art!  He did a fabulous job.  Art Steps is a wonderful program with excellent encouraging teachers.  And while waiting for art classes to finish, we picked up sand bags for the pending storm.

 Visiting with Vivy!!!

 Celebrating Mile's 4th birthday!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Week Twenty-Three: February 5th-11th

 Superbowl Sunday!  Always a fun day to hang out with friends at Uncle Robert's house.
 Fine arts studying Degas and science looking at how height increase force.

 I loved seeing these girls hold their own and grow this year with their older peers.

 We took the opportunity to have all of the kids dress up in Great Papa's WWII clothing before it was separated...I loved the results and the memories.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Week Twenty-Two: January 29th-February 4th

 Astronomy experiment! Making a volcano to mimic the volcanoes on different planets.
 Today in CC we practiced paintings from Monet.  Using the classical method we copied his water lilies piece.  In science we discussed surface area and wind speed.
 Then a trip to Knott's with good buddies!

 Finishing the science experiment...unfortunately the volcano was not very reactive.

 Please take my picture Mom!
 Today Micah started art classes.  This made my heart so incredibly happy as he was thrilled with the process and the result.  So thankful for the charter school for this opportunity.